PHP is a reliable programming language which helps developers to work with web forms and to communicate with databases.
Knowledge of HTML, CSS and Java Script
Acquired Skills:
This course provides you with the correct knowledge to learn basics of PHP (including variables, logical expressions, loops and function) and understand to connect PHP to MySQL database.
Curriculum Material:
The language and teaching techniques are geared to the course’s final use. It includes explanatory exercises and examples with working on real devices.
Course Topics:
PHP Overview:
- Why choose PHP?
- Installation overview
- Working with Apache Web Server
- Changing the Document root
- Enabling PHP
- Upgrading PHP
- Configuring PHP
- Installing MySQL
- Configuring MySQL
- Text editor
Exploring Data Types:
- Variables
- Strings
- Strings functions
- Integers
- Floating points
- Arrays
- Associative arrays
- Array functions
- Booleans
- NULL and empty
- Type juggling and casting
- Constants
Control Structures: Logical Expressions:
- if statements
- Else and elseif statements
- Logical operators
- Switch statements
Control Structures:Loops:
- While loops
- For loops
- Foreach loops
- Continue
- Break
User-Defined Functions:
- Defining functions
- Function arguments
- Returning values from a function
- Multiple return values
- Scope and global variables
- Common problems
- Warnings and errors
- Debugging and troubleshooting
Building Web Pages with PHP:
- Links and URLs
- Using GET values
- Encoding GET values
- Encoding for HTML
- Including and requiring files
- Modifying headers
- Page redirection
- Output buffering
Working with Forms and Form Data:
- Building forms
- Detecting form submissions
- Single-page form processing
- Validating form values
- Problems with validation logic
- Displaying validation errors
- Custom validation functions
- Single-page form with validations
MySQL Basics:
- MySQL introduction
- Creating a database
- Creating a database table
- Populating a MySQL database
- Relational database tables
- Populating the relational table
Using PHP to Access MySQL:
- Database APIs in PHP
- Connecting to MySQL
- Populating a MySQL database
- Relational database tables
- Populating the relational table
Application CRUD:
- Finding a Subject in the database
- Refactoring the page selection
- Creating a new subject form
- Processing form values and adding subjects
- Passing data in the session
- Validating form values
- Creating an edit subject form
- Using single-page submission
- Deleting a subject
- Cleaning up
Building the Public Area:
- The public appearance
- Adding a default subject behavior
- The public content area
- Protecting page visibility
Regulating Page Access:
- User authentication overview
- Admin CRUD
- Encrypting passwords
- Salting passwords
- Adding password encryption to CMS
- New PHP password functions
- Checking for authorization
- Creating a logout page
Certificate of Completion
At the end of the course the student will receive our certificate of completion for this training.